Are you in the process of choosing paper for your new interest or your next project?
Then maybe you have encountered words or terms that you feel unsure of. Because what does it even mean that a paper is acid-free? And what is the difference between hot pressed and cold pressed paper? We are here to answer your questions!

What is grain?
When you talk about grain you talk about the texture of the paper. A rough-grained paper has a noticeable texture and is uneven. It is the opposite of smooth paper. The word grain, or textured paper, is often used when describing watercolour paper, paper for acrylic or oil paint, and mixed media pads.
Why is the paperweight specified?
The thickness of paper is measured by its density or weight. Maybe you have seen that the paperweight often is stated on a paper pad? For example, if it says that the paper is 200 grams, it means that one square meter of that paper weighs 200 grams. Paper that you use in a printer is usually somewhere around 80 grams, meanwhile watercolour paper (that is supposed to hold a lot of water) is often somewhere around 300 grams.
What does cold pressed and hot pressed paper mean?
You often see these terms when looking for watercolour paper, and it is all about how the paper has been produced. A hot pressed paper has been pressed when it has been hot during production, and therefore it is very smooth. A cold pressed paper has been pressed when it was cold, and therefore the surface on the paper has more texture (medium grain). Rough-grained paper is often called just Rough.
What does it mean that a paper is bleed proof, and what is ghosting?
A bleed free paper is exactly what it sounds like, a paper that has been treated on the surface to prevent the ink from bleeding out or through the paper. Sometimes the term is used to describe paper pads or notebooks that are extra suitable for fountain pens or rollerball pens for example. The term can also be used when describing marker paper. If you have used alcohol-based markers you have probably noticed that the ink will bleed through the paper and over to the other side, maybe even on the paper that lies beneath. Therefore it is good to use marker paper when drawing with markers as they are treated in order to prevent the ink from bleeding.
In short, ghosting means that you can see what you have painted as a shadow on the other side of the sheet. This does not mean that the ink bleeds. Ghosting is hard to avoid as long as you use a thin paper – the thinner the paper, the more the colour will show through as a shadow. We recommend that you choose a thicker paper, with a higher paperweight, if you want to avoid ghosting.
What does acid-free paper mean?
If a paper is acid-free, it means that it has been purified from acids, which also means that the paper will last longer. If the paper is not acid-free, it can start yellowing and become more fragile over time. So if you are planning on creating something that should last for a long time, or if you want to frame it, it is best to choose acid-free paper.
What kind of paper should I choose for my projects?
There are a lot of different kinds of paper, and often the name of the paper pad or the notebook gives you an idea of what it is mostly suitable for. If you want to know the reasons to why you should choose one paper over another, we recommend you to read the next guide on this theme: How to choose the right paper for your creative project